August 2023

Spirit out of body

Spirit out of body The curiosity of healing myself begins when i experienced sensory overloaded as a child.  Part of me growing up, i learn to be self reliant and independent partly due to me not trusting my environment. There were many times, i was not feeling safe.  Reckless caretaker with so many kids to

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A truthful dilemma

Truth be told, I’m having a dilemma as to whether I should continue being a healing coach, facilitator, consultant and practitioner. As I was working on my religion as a Muslim, I realised that most of Islamic community have no idea what energy healing or alternative medicine is all about. And not many dared to

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Money wounds

Money wounds. To understand why money is not flowing abundantly in your life is to look at your money wounds. For instance my own….When I was working (even when in school) , the money often spent is on my loved ones. The harder I work, the more money I make, the more challenges were thrown

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