Money wounds

Money wounds.

To understand why money is not flowing abundantly in your life is to look at your money wounds.

For instance my own….
When I was working (even when in school) , the money often spent is on my loved ones.

The harder I work, the more money I make, the more challenges were thrown at me, endlessly.

I remembered when I completed my tertiary education and university days…

Right after, I got my fulltime job, I was thrown into adulthood with burden and debts resulting from reckless decisions made by my parents. It felt overwhelmingly suffocating. And pretty dramatic and traumatic. Felt like a responsibility turned burden and resentment comes eventually.

I felt the more $$$ I make, the more problems were thrown at me. And some peeps take advantage of my love for them and good nature (also cos I’m not great in creating healthy boundaries back then)… And not able to voiced out, I was suffering in silence.

So it created a belief in me which resulted in my money patterns of self sabotaging. Whenever I rise up to the next level of making more money, and success, I will self sabo myself to stay small and not grow.

To the point that, I rather live a less wealthy life just to thwart peeps off me or tell them to stay away from me.

Mainly stay small to avoid the money vampires.

Sometimes we get too comfy with our adopted beliefs that we hid, we choose to be small. And we forgot that we can be better. Thus formed a glass ceiling that we may not be aware of.

Whatever issues we have, be it money, mind, heart, spirit or body, do find out what are the adopted beliefs and patterns including it’s roots and causes. Because in spite of it all, everything is just energy.

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