Heal the healer

I’m grateful for my heart. Through it, I can feel the world. But sometimes I take it for granted. I felt my heart is so strong and powerful that I keep adding work for her.

One day, my heart felt super tired and exhausted. I can feel her stressed by the many simple things I feel. Heart palpitations, overjoyed, heart expanded and never seem to slow down it’s pace, pain in the heart, beat so fast that it felt like it will just exit my body, broken into pieces, ripped out of its cage, vulnerable and many more turbulence all into one..

I even thought I died and gone elsewhere. Maybe it’s a physical experience maybe it’s a spiritual one. Whatever it is, it felt that if I don’t start caring for her, I will die soon.

Healers are not super humans. They too need breaks and rest. It can be overwhelming for us to heal the world at one go. Why not, just 1 heart at a time?

Also sometimes we processed the world with all our senses and it’s overwhelming. It’s not our role to carry the weight and burden of the world. It is our role to help others release theirs if they want to.

Sometimes we get so caught up in other peeps’ world that we didn’t exit their world when sessions ended. For me, it’s like watching a who dunnit serial killer TV series and wondering why any human can kill another, months after I completed the series. The why, burden my psyche. It saddens me badly.

Same for healing cases, sometimes I listened with horror for all the bad stuff I never thought humans are capable of inflicting upon another and yet they do happen and exist. And what about Palestine current battle? Don’t get me started. I felt a kinship with them after my last year travels there and it has been hurting me somehow though i wasn’t directly involved.

Empaths and highly sensitive peeps healers like me should cherish ourselves and listen to our beings. Because our sensitivities is helping the world. We are needed. We cannot numb our senses. Our job is to feel greatly. To solve issues and challenges.

But we also must rest when it is due. We have to be our own parent and caretaker. Instill disciplinary rest and solitude to heal. If we are unwell, who heal us? For sure, the Almighty is the ultimate Healer. But still, we have to take action and responsibility for our own life.

So my dearest warrior Healers, love yourself enough to be able to say no when necessary. Keep a healthy boundaries. Sacrificing ourselves in the world of healing is not going to work in the long run. Everyone is priceless. We don’t need martyrs. We need living breathing humans. Love yourself because we are unique. Love yourself just because…

As the world evolved faster, healers are truly needed to guide others. So take care and love yourself fully and wholly.

And we each are blessed with certain gifts. My niche in healing is heart and spirit. Once when I have so many clients with spirit issues, my spirit got issues too. Overworked. Refused to stay in body. Not grounded. Fleeting and restless. And so I took some time off to heal and balance it out.

The same for heart. And whatever u use mostly. If u use your own energy to heal others, make sure u replenish and refill those energy tanks within. You need the oxygen mask first before you can help others. Remember that.

I believe whatever niche we are in, we will be tested in life for the same so that we eventually become Masters and teach others.

For me, as a heart healer, I was tested for heart and emotional issues in life since young. My heart has been expanded beyond measures. And it has taken a lot of beatings into pulp that sometimes, I never knew I will be alive the next day.

My heart has gone through so many heartbreaks and other tear and wear, I that I became so open minded that I was able to understand myriad clients of similar issues.

As our challenges became more intimate, complex and deep, so are our solutions that can free us in so many levels of our own limitations.

I love you.

I see you.

I feel you.

I am you.

Note: I believed we each are blessed to have healing abilities and that our bodies can auto heal themselves. My role is to facilitate that.

I believed that The Creator is the Ultimate Healer because without His will and permission, nothing is possible.

Disclaimer:All info provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please contact your professional healthcare provider before attempting any info provided in all my media and suggestions shared.

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