April 2018

Musings of my heart

Past few weeks, I’ve been having challenges in communicating my thoughts through this 10 year blog. I felt as if I’ve lost my muse. While at the same time navigating the changes happening within and without. As if all masks crumbling down. I have no use for sugar-coated words nor the approval of readers but

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Soul Calls

Even before I embrace the facilitation of healing, I often get “soul calls”. Soul Calls to me are “soul cries” for help… As an empath or highly sensitive being, I can “hear” them. Sometimes when I’m out on my “travel-healing” mission… i spread out the world map and “feel” these continents. Wherever i felt strongly

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Food and body…

When I was younger, I’ve been blessed to be able to eat whatever I want and not gain weight. I was active and my metabolism was high. But it changes in different levels of my life… In my twenties, I realised that my body reacts to my everyday experiences. If I gain weight that means

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