Healer’s Burnout.

One of the most exhausting profession is healing and caring for others, I’ve observed. Most of us “martyred ourselves” because we have big hearts and we run fully on empathy (some of us believed that – who are we, if we don’t sacrifice ourselves?) .

Healers’ burnout is real.

Healers and peeps who worked in serving others like nursing, caretaking etc should invest a portion of their salary to their own selves. Other than investing in self development programs, they should invest in self care and pampering. Why?

Because we use our bodies, hearts, minds and spirits to do this work. And if we are not self caring, we can end up burning ourselves into exhaustion and may take years to heal or imbalances like dis-eases may occur.

From my experience, after my mom passed, grief stage took a lot of energy to heal. No matter what the world may think one can do after losing a loved one, we need actually years and decades to heal (depending on our closeness). But sometimes we indulge in work to keep our mind off the melancholyNess of the journey.

The busy-er we are, the lesser time we have to face our own pain. Just another distraction, a procrastination in prolonging the process. We rather heal others than look within into our own wounds.

When our loved ones departed, there may be a huge tear in our beings that ripped open all parts of us and bleeds out the good such as our energy. They may constantly leak.

So how can we work our ass off into distraction with a “leaking bucket” ? May be deathly.

We may not only deplete our energy Qi but also our reserved and Jing, our whole existence into expiration.

Like money, the interests of debt (when we run on empty we incur debt of energy) may compound itself and we may end up bankrupt, if unaware and no action is taken to remedy it ASAP… And some of them come to me when they got a “death sentence” or an expiration date from their doctors. Not easy to solve on a tight timeline but InsyaAllah everything is possible.

How do we know when we have healers’ burnout? When we have issues with detachment, healthy boundaries and shields with our clients and their issues. Also may end up absorping their imbalances and dis-eases, even days after the end of their sessions.

And when we muscle testing, we can ask ourselves if we are able to heal others, the answer may be no. Then we should proceed asking for how long? It can take weeks, months and even years to recuperate fully.

We cannot help to heal others until we are empty because we need some energy to heal ourselves from every session with Clients. If not, the exhaustion will compound itself into some form of maladies.

Sometimes we need other healers to heal us. Nothing to be ashamed of. Like getting massages, therapeutic days at spa, nature immersions, travel and even energy healing from other professionals.

My being refused to work with another when I got healers’ burnout. And I can sense it will go haywire if I bulldoze on.

Self care comes from a healthy root of loving ourselves. This should be our basic foundation for healers or those in medical profession. We do important work. We need to care ourselves sufficiently before we can care for the world. How can we help others put on their oxygen masks when we dont have it for ourselves? We may end up jeopardising their lives and our own.

And don’t skimp. Don’t be stingy. Do not try to save money when it’s related to ourselves. Empaths, especially… rather spend on others than themselves. Choose the best quality of pampering and care for ourselves. We do important work. We deserve the best because we give and serve in our bestest.

Some of us do it because of our belief in higher calling and purpose with the Creator. So include the Creator in healing, pampering and self care, our dear selves. Ask for help whenever needed. Pray, supplicate, whatever we can, whenever, wherever. InsyaAllah He is always near and ready to help us.

We are worthy of love. We deserve to be pampered and well cared for. We dont have to wait for others to initiate. We can diy. Only when we are full on self love, can we proceed on, to share the rest with the world.

Have fun exploring ways in which we can indulge in self pampering and care.

U do good work just by being you. Thank you.

Remember, Love begins from within. And our existence help ripple out love into the world. You are important. We all are. I love you. Please take care.

BTW, mothers can also have healers’ burnout from caring and serving their families. So love and care your precious selves please. No use martyring yourselves. I believed your family would prefer to see your longevity and inclusion of your existence especially the future generations.

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