Day 46 – Respect Time.

Day 46 – the art of being authentic, conscious and abundant woman series continues…. 
what I feel like saying…
Time. Respect it. 
When I was young, I carelessly disrespect time. 
My best friend often had to wait many hours for me, to just hang out. Eventually she went home. Truly heart her patience (Thank you, Dawn!) . 
My excuse was that I held sometimes 2 jobs while schooling with 3 core Cca and many uncore Cca (side activities like sports, performing arts etc) . And I was always exhausted. 
So whenever my friends wanted to hang out, as much as I did my best, I ended up overslept on the couch with my going out clothes. 
And this went on for years until I shamelessly missed out on many school events like picnic with my teachers, seeing a concert with friends, and many more. I felt like I’ve dissapointed them, but mainly myself. I missed out a lot. And I love hanging out with my loved ones. 
When I was learning with some of my millionaire mentors (in my thirties), they taught me to respect time. For wealthy peeps like them, every minute wasted is like millions gone. And furthermore, time wasted cannot be returned and so it is priceless. 
They add on that, disrespecting time can also showcase one’s integrity for business. And often, they cannot tolerate even a minute late. 
So if you are gonna propose doing business with them, and you came late just by a minute, you can kiss that partnership goodbye. 
In empowering camps, being on time, is considered late. We have to prepare ourselves at least 15 minutes earlier. And so as a habit, I’m always early for my appointments. 
And I taught these to my kids as well. 
Do respect time, not just for yourself but especially for others. Time wasted/taken for granted cannot be returned. 
Truly thankful for my friends who have been very patient thru out my life. 
Do check out my previous everyday postings on women empowerment đź™‚ 
Creating tribes of authentic, conscious
abundant women around the world.
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