Spirit out of body

Spirit out of body

The curiosity of healing myself begins when i experienced sensory overloaded as a child. 

Part of me growing up, i learn to be self reliant and independent partly due to me not trusting my environment. There were many times, i was not feeling safe. 

Reckless caretaker with so many kids to care for thus not able to prevent others from bullying me at a tender age of 3-4. And though I had tried to tell my parents in my own way, they were too busy to understand what I’m saying.

Thus the physical abuses like pinching till I’m blue made me fear everyday. And without me realising, my spirit went out of my body too often to prevent myself from being in the “pain mode”.

When my spirit went out and hover just above myself, i felt somewhat “safe” and not be as painful watching than being in my body when such physical abuses happened.

This continues on and on even after i left such caretaker and parents turn to the cane as a way of discipline. Its something of a pattern of previous gen of parenting where canes can be as thick as a tree’s trunks.

So without me being aware, Im often not “present” in my environment especially with my friends. They noticed i “shut down” or “go somewhere”. 

Some of them were frustrated but i wasn’t aware of my issues back then. It was my auto safe mechanism to protect myself from the cruel world. And even if i do, i do not know how to heal that and be wholly present.

This went on and on. 

I liked Walter Mitty movie (where Ben Stiller was the main actor) because of similarities between me and him . I was more present in my head (my imagination) than the present illusory world.

When I started with being coached professionally and going through series of transformational programs after my divorce, my friends from the same programs inform me of my fleeting spirit.

And so i decided to learn how to ground myself and be fully present. There were many ways but while learning emotion and body code, i learnt one of the easiest method was just tapping onto my meridians and informing my spirit to come home fully into my body and be present. 

The first time, It was amazing. I have never felt fully present in any part or my life.

Sometimes i felt like i had a remote control in my hand and i fast forward events that hurt and into a happier present. Yes like the movie Click by Adam Sandler.

My surroundings were happier especially my kids. I was present with them but sometimes, in boredom i “disappear”. 

After decades of healing myself and others, i eventually understood what it meant to be fully present. Peeps knew when i “checked out”. And they were glad, i didn’t do the spirit disappearing act anymore.

And i too knew when others are checked out too. Sometimes like zombies they sped through life outside of body, watching themselves in movies. Some turned to addiction just to numb themselves and continue staying out of their bodies. 

I never thought i ever will be in the healing profession  but i am thankful that i am. Because in every session, i learn to be fully present with myself and my client and also the worlds happening between and around us. 

To be present with another while they express themselves in their truths in order to be seen, heard and matter is truly a miracle. Its like validating them when they were not validated in their world. And giving them ample approvals for their uniqueness and gifts they brought to the world just by, being. 

And when we leave one another, it felt like each of us transformed for the better as our bodies, hearts, minds and spirits fused as one and shine.  

So how do we call upon our spirit to come home fully into the body?

2 methods:

1 is by meditating and asking with much love (coaxing) the spirit to come home.

“I call upon my spirit to reside into my body where it truly belonged.” (And then imagined all parts of you scattered come together and reside fully in the body.

Second is to just tap your third eye chakra point and say the above. 

If your spirit still checked out often, then deeper healing needed to be done. 

The root, cause and pattern need to be identified. A big why needed to be answered. All can be done by questioning one self and wait for the body to respond through muscle testing or sway test.

For me, I had to learn to forgive people of wrongdoings to me. I had to release trapped emotions to physical and psychic trauma. And some, i had to purge them out of my system. Most of which i learnt most efficiently through Body Code. I did spent thousands to learn many modalities from various practitioners but the best , easiest to use and comprehensive to me is the Body Code. 

Don’t just take my word for it. Do your own research and choose what healing modalities work best for you.

Remember we each deserve to be our best versions of ourselves (not the worlds’ versions) Do whatever it takes to go through the finishing line .

P.s: i sense some awkwardness typing this blog because I’m too comfy with my aging android phone that I’m reluctant to go back to Iphone. Yes, Im using iphone now. And fully will be using it when my android huawei pro 30 eventually die fully. 

Why cant i continue using Android? I promise myself to interchange them when they “died” so i will be continuously be updated with the gadget world and current technology.

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