Owning my own shit…

I love to annoy my “rocker dad” with my own favorite artist. Every morning, When I visited my parents, i will play out loud just to awaken him from his sweet dreams.

One of them songs is from Jason Mraz…

Jason Mraz is one of those “Teachers” I met not knowing how famous he was but his songs and blog has always been “enlightening” and “awakening” for my own transformation…

Anyway, for the first time, my dad told me he heard Jem’s New song and he liked it and I have not been updated with him after his wedding…

And today the urge is strong…

I’m not sure if this is the song but it sure speaks my heart right now… 🤣

About owning my own shit 😂

Or perhaps my dad was hinting to me about the message?


“I still get down sometimes
Cause I’ve got fears I still hide
I’ve got wrongs I get to right
Truth be told I’ve told some lies
I’ve got friends I’ve got to find
Cause I sure need to apologize

We’ve only got this one life
Me, I want to see it through your eyes
Please try to see it through my eyes
Everybody’s got, everybody’s got
Everybody’s got their demons
Everybody got their reasons
Everybody got those seasons
Trying to hold on

Everybody got their own shit
Everybody’s got to own it
Everybody’s got those hardships they’re trying to let go
I’ve got my own

See I’ve gotta fall apart
To see what I have inside
To pull myself together and give it one more try
Parents getting older
I gotta pull them closer
Cause I’ve got to get some closure
And let them know that everybody’s got

Their demons
Everybody got their reasons
Everybody goes through seasons
Trying to hold on
Everybody got their own shit
Everybody’s got to own it
Everybody’s got those hardships
Know you’re not alone
I’ve got my own

You name it, I’ve done it
I stole a heart and broke it
Can’t change it
Can’t help it
I’ve got to let it go

Holding on
Everybody got their reasons
Everybody got their demons
Everybody goes through seasons
Trying to hold on
Everybody got their own shit
Everybody’s got to own it
Everybody’s got those hardships
Their trying to let go of

I’ve got my own..”

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