Thru out the years, you grew up with me, watched me through my social medias.
I have met some of you locally and internationally.
I have heard stories how my blogging helps to enlighten your own life journey.
It’s not me.
It’s you.
I’m thankful that you took your time to read and be in my blogging experiences around the world.
You took time to learn and unlearn and you became more aware of your own life experiences and your own growth.
Laughing with me, crying with me, eating with me and having fun…
I knew there were times, you are confused by my changes especially the last two years as I fumbled and faced whatever to search for what truly matters and what my life purpose is…
I was a food blogger, food critic and a celebrity blogger. I used to let you in every part of my life-LIVE.
Now, I choose what feels right and sometimes I did not include you in LIVE from wherever I am in certain parts of the world.
But nevertheless, you still support me. You still love me unconditionally.
You spread about me to your loved ones-family, friends, colleagues, business partners…
I know you all are awesome because I know my fans are of myriad worlds-from Politicians to Doctors to business people, Travelers, foodies and crazy normal people like you and I.
Thank you.
I no longer care what this blog specialises in.
But this blog is my life.
My life is my Mission.
That is my message for now.
It’s not so much on food although people have been feeding me endlessly wherever I go.
It’s more on me, my life, my beliefs and currently it’s at the peak on soulmate life partner.
It’s LOVE.
So open your heart, mind and soul.
Judgements only present the person’s state of life. It’s not my concern.
I just want you to have fun and be happy reading my blog.
Continue being a part of my life as I continue letting you in my part…
Thank you.
God bless…

Facebook message:
Dear 1.8 million readers and fans of my blog around the world….(since 2007)…
If my blog no longer serves you for your highest good, go and find someone else’s who will. It’s ok. I understand.
We evolve and grow differently. And we constantly “meet” and need different “Teachers” in different aspects of our lives.
Everyone is a teacher. Believe it or not.
I believe there are many who can help to empower and enlighten your own life journey or solutions to your challenges….through blogs, paintings, books and many more.
It’s ok to change. It’s ok to change Teachers and mentors and role models. We do what we need to do to grow and move on.
From Halal food blogging to empowerment to spiritual journey… This blog is about my life.
I welcome the change in my fan base.
Do what you need to do for your highest good.
Be happy in your choices.
You are free and I am free.
All is well between us.