Day 5 – Blaming is giving away your power. Take responsibility.

Day 5 – the art of being authentic, conscious and abundant woman series continues….

And If you prefer  freshness, my everyday posting, check out my fb page.

what I feel like saying… 
I used to blame anyone and everything for whatever happens in my life. 
I blame God, my family, my friends, my circumstances, my bank account, the school, the government my boss, my work, the transport, the systems and even the weather etc 
Back then it felt justified but in truth, I’m just giving away my power to another. 
Its easy to blame another. But it takes courage to admit you are responsible. 
My life is my own.

Nothing happens without my permission. 
Take responsibility for your own life. Stop blaming, and pointing fingers at others for everything that happens in your life. 
Trust that everything happens for a reason and a blessing. 
Say-Yes, I am responsible for this. Now, how can I rectify this? How can I solve this for the highest good of all? How can I improve? 

And If you prefer  freshness, my everyday posting, check out my fb page.

Creating tribes of authentic, conscious
abundant women around the world.
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