Day 35 – I love great big hugs!

Day 35 – the art of being authentic, conscious and abundant woman series continues…. 
what I feel like saying…
Have you hugged your loved ones today? 
I am a hugger. I prefer hugs to shaking hands. But these days, we eyed or nod to each other from a far. 
Anyway, I read that people need to hug at least 12 times daily to be healthier and happier.
You see, when people hug, cuddle or bond physically, there is a hormonal secretion name oxytocin. 
It has many benefits. One namely, reducing stress. 
Another, fight infection, boost heart health and boost immune system. 
Though I’m not asking you to go on a rampant hugging strangers wherever, whenever (especially in this challenging time where peeps stay away from contacts in any form) …..
I’m asking you to look closer. 
Your surroundings, your home, your closest, loved ones, have you hugged them today? 
The world is anxious, in need of healing, in need of support. Everywhere we looked, reports of virus and many more, only adding to our anxiety, stress and fear. 
One example – Though good intentions, public businesses e.g restaurant owners have many rules and regulations imposed on them. They not only lost customers, businesses and money, they are also stressed to stay afloat in this challenging times. 
Teachers meanwhile, are stressed, have lots to do and many more, to report for instances of LOA (leave of absence of students due to quarantined/stay at home for unwell/past overseas trips, not the law of attraction which I normally use for this LOA acronyms) , passed the stress to students and parents, in turn spread it to their surroundings. 
But what about common people like you and I? Notice your surroundings. Go, Hug your kids, your parents, your spouses, your lovers, your grandparents, your nieces and nephews… 
I walked around and noticed anger, frustrations and many more (perhaps it’s my own-what’s within will reflect on the outside. I need to “cleanse” myself. ). Everyone I noticed, is agitated, impatient and stressed. 
So what’s the temporary cure for all these? 
Hugs from our loved ones. Hugs when we reached home, feeling as if we have just battled the world. Hugs, when we felt strained and exhausted and emotionally unbalanced. 
So reach out to your closest. Don’t deprive yourself and your loved ones from these magical healings of love-Hugs! 
Sometimes there is no need of words, just action, in the name of love….is enough. 
So go and hug your loved ones. Bask in that gift of love. 
More info on hugs and it’s benefits:
Do check out my previous everyday postings on women empowerment đź™‚ 
Creating tribes of authentic, conscious
abundant women around the world.
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