Day 30 – the art of being authentic, conscious and abundant woman series continues….
what I feel like saying…
Honour your preference.
Being a single mom, I have no time to date with “boys” .
At first while navigating my newly singlehood, I chance upon many in my path.
Probably because I looked young, I often attracted men aged 20-28.
At first I tried giving them a chance but eventually I felt like I’m caring for another child, (and I’ve already got 2?!) I decided to let this go.
I’m not saying they were immature (some were, some were not). But men this age, often do not know what they want in life. Still in experimenting mode, not grounded yet.
And we have different ideas about relationships. At this stage, I don’t see relationships as just being physical, a romantic partner in bed, a label for Mr and Mrs, and being a loyal best friend… It’s beyond that.
I wanted a conscious relationship. A deep connection that ties our bodies, hearts, minds and souls.
A relationship where 2 beings are already awaken and wanted to walk the conscious path together.
Learning, unlearning and growing together and striving to be better versions of ourselves. Poking and pushing each others’ buttons when needed. Helping one another confront their fears and healing them.
I’ve gone thru myriad experiences that taught me lots. And I knew what I wanted, knowing what I am and a rough idea on where I’m heading. With kids, I have to lead even when sometimes, I don’t know where I’m heading.
I don’t need an onlooker, a passerby, a jack in the mix. I just need a real committed man. Committed to his own growth and ours together.
I mean if my life is not better being a duo, then I rather be a singular.
And I’m not looking for a father for my kids. They already got one. I just need a life partner, who will grow with me and witness our lives together.
A man who understood that life is a big drama and willing to get his hands dirty, digging deeper within and with-out to find the core root of every challenge faced and solve it.
Not to point fingers and blame each other in every quarrel but to put aside our ego and do whatever it takes to solve it as harmoniously as possible.
A man chivalrous enough to open doors and be the gentleman, his parents had shown him. To listen with heart, acknowledge another being, bestow respect and honour her journey.
I have been patient enough to slow down my pace, to explain to many so that they can get me. But I began to understand that, the real man will already be on track with me.
I don’t have time to play games. My time is utilised fully with my kids and me. (But I do have a vacant spot for 1 more.)
I am happy enough on my own, freedom to be and do whatever I want.
A man, is a bonus.
And yes, eversince I honour my preference, quality conscious men came forward.
Who says the world has run out of good quality men? There are aplenty.
Truly grateful.
Do check out my previous everyday postings on women empowerment 🙂
Creating tribes of authentic, conscious
abundant women around the world.
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