Crashing Warrior Homes in Warsaw, Poland part 9

Crashing warrior angel’s home in #Poland
New country no. 43…

Truthfully, I only heard of Warsaw in Monopoly game, I played a  month back with my kids. I realise that when one plays game joyously, law of attraction works wonderfully well and fast. 
Anyway, this next warrior angel….
She is loving and doting. Speaks her truth about people and guides them gently to themselves.
Sensitive to her environment energies and is always keen on working on herself.
A strong independent, successful woman who sees the best in everything and has led many teams of men in her successful career.
Someone who appreciates great taste in food and living. And has knowledge of botany and herbal benefits of her own gardens and local specialities.
An artist who is in touch with her emotions and uses that gift to draw the beauty of it through paintings..
We had a beautiful sunshiney day-28 degrees (similar to Singapore but less humid-I love 😍)
Walking through Warsaw city centre with two beautiful tour guides made my day.
Having coffee in cafe and trying out local Polish food.
Pierogi-Dumplings filled with spinach, cheese, meat etc can be steamed, grilled or fried. If steamed has to be “al-dente”.
Zurek-beautiful hearty bread soup worth sausages and eggs
I wonder what other food awaits us in her beautiful home?
Thanks Magdalena Abramczyk and Anya!

Thank you Magda and Ania for driving this stranger around town…
The next few days, 
we hang out with other warrior angels, beautiful goddesses….
there was this special one night that happens every 70 years…. 
We start Kupala Angel Night at Vistula river on a full moon, a local ritual of love that I wanted to participate… 
I suggested my intention to them and within minutes, there was a team. Plan-prepare-execute. (That’s how we roll!, warriors…of love)
Klementyna gathered the beautiful green leaves from her parents’ homes and then, Magda and Aga lead us to buy the rest of the items needed like love candles, mini trays etc and then we drove to a beautiful long river in the cold and set out love intentions from our hearts.
We set the candles on fire. 
If the fire stayed on till the end while floating like a boat ….that means, the wish will be fulfilled….

“Dear Soulmate…
You have no idea how great we are at teamwork. Just 1 spontaneous plan… 

At first it was me and my fantasy…

And then with Magda…. And then came two crazy warriors joining us last minute…

And Klementyna Karlińska-Batres got a boot full of leaves for us for the wreaths for Kupala “ceremony”…

Magdalena Abramczyk got candles and stuff…

Agnieszka Madej with her crazy energy

Me with the plan to ensure we do this today, no matter what…

Everyone was on warrior mode…

Dear Soulmate,
You would be proud of us…

Later went out for a local dinner. This waitress is donning the Polish cultural dress. 

We even meet with award winning director/producer of films in Poland… Love intentions attract lovers of the world.

Thank you Klementyna… you are my super woman! Always on the go with a great big smile…cheerful motivating the world around you. Your love story inspired me greatly.
Your enthusiasm and passion for life showed greatly when we first meet in Peaks Spain 2016 as crew. You kept checking up on me like a big sister, knowing I’m having some challenges within.
At the same time, you were able to let your vulnerability show when the need arises. A true warrior goddess indeed.
Thank you!
As for Aga, who I met while participating, you are awesome!! Your crazy energy lifted us up and bulldoze any fears… We were like a strong team focusing on tasks at hand. Your life story empowered me to move forward in leaps and great heights.
Thank you Aga! You are a love goddess.
We were hanging out with Magda’s parents in her big beautiful garden backyard…with loads of local delicacies… I love it! 
Soon it was the end…

 Sometimes, I wake up… I forget where I am…

Train rides of all the countries I’ve visited in Europe,this time….have equipped me well to face… one after another unpredictable transportation modes…
Goodbye Warsaw (Mermaid of Poland) …so where to next?
Kraków ?

P.s: Truthfully, I just bought this “Monopoly” set right before Warrior….Me and my kids have been playing them nonstop making each other millions and billions in “property”…
And I kept “winning” the lands in Poland and I have no idea where they are… Warsaw, Kraków, Gdansk etc
But in my heart, I want to visit them one day…
Lo and behold before I know it, 2 months later, I was buying tickets to there…
Be careful what you wish for because for now, I’m very very happy that it all came true… 🎉)

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