Women and menses

This was a belated post… 2 years belated. It was from my experience in a warrior camp in Spain where I volunteered in 2016.

i thought I had shared this blog post but it seems not.

Recently a warrior angel reminded me of how this post has helped her to feel wonderful in spite of having challenges for this coming warrior camp. (Thanks Christiane, for your motivating words and for re-reading my posts on FB again).

This post is for those “super heroines” of the world…

Especially to…
The not so famous but the ones who have been doing their best to be of service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year… with as much unconditional love, care, concern… to their loved ones.

Yes, to all the women of the world who have menstruations, periods, menses, “moon-time”… and many more labels to that once a month event that took place in our body which can last blissfully from as short as 4days to 14 days or painfully…

Read this with your heart and listen to your own self: How can I love myself better in moments like this?

This is my story…


This has been on my mind, recently.

I don’t know how to put it out there but I’m gonna do my best…to share.

In hope it creates more awareness or whatever positive effect…

So bear with me….

Dear amazing women of the world, did you take time off to celebrate your moon time?


I’ve been brought up to make a time of period (menses) be a “hush hush” time until the day came…in a recent warrior camp that I went to…

(Seriously some races/religion (i don’t like to label) treated it like some kind of “dis-ease” and kinda repelled by women who are in “moon-time” (I’m not just referring to men but women as well). Like we are “dirty” or something and instead of giving us “time-off” to rest and celebrate our womanhood, they made us work even harder for the family… with the guilt tripping on responsibilities and chores… maybe this is just an “Asian” thingy)

Back to my warrior camp…

I was relaxing by the fire place…until…

Someone asked me-“Lina are you on your moon time?”

My face turned to pink then alarming red…

It felt awkward for me. I grew up in the Asian continent whereby I’ve never been asked like that amongst many people (5-8 peeps are many,ok? 🙄)…

It’s like a ladies’ secret…like a taboo subject.

And here, all pairs of eyes were on me and most were men.

I was stunned for a moment. Hoping that the ground will opened up and swallowed me whole.

But because I’m a “warrior”, the ego did not want to back down and deny…in other words-chickened out and run.

I muttered -Yes! almost as loud as I can but in actual fact it whispered like a mouse…

That was only the beginning of my moon-time “embarrassment” erm I meant “process” (for me)…

As I was “stationed” in purification…I was told by the same “strange men” (just kidding-i love you guys😍) called friends… To boldly declare to my “Chiefs” about my “Moon-Time” because they Honour women’s moon time…

Hmm, I hesitated…

Do I need to dig a hole first…To hide myself?

I mustered my leftover courage and whispered kindly to my Chiefs in hope that they make it a “secret” and not let my other crew friends know.

Due to that, I was exempted from doing many tasks. I felt guilty not working as hard as the team.

But because I had to Honour the truth and the beauty of it (and also moon-time is already another process), I knew I had to blurt the truth, somehow.

It was tough for me as I was expected to work as a team and to share the workload as one…and I thought to be a part of a team, I had to work as “hard” as them.

And not working as “hard” as them made me feel not “accepted” as a part of the group that I’m with. (My own perceptions and beliefs)

I want to be as tough as the guys and the girls… And so I “cheated” and helped myself to some tasks.

I cannot bear to see others working so hard and me do nothing. It’s just not me.

Back where I came from, women have always been “working” and constantly “doing”-in action always; nonstop juggling their multi-roles of being daughters, mothers, wives, lovers, sisters etc…

I didn’t remember seeing my Mother rest… especially not during menses. My women friends too. In fact the more “pain” we had, the harder we work and the busier we get.

And of course, we were never told to celebrate our moon-time.

And so in spite of the warnings given to me, I did my best to be “busy” until I was told by one of my “Chief”- “Lina, please do not do anything other than be pretty.”

That sentence struck a cord within me.

I took a moment to digest that.

“You mean, I can do that?!?!
Woohoo! “-My inner child was screaming with delight!!!

Part happy and part guilty.

In my child like “food-mind”: It’s like… I get to devour a 3 layered and flavoured (choc, mango, pistachio with sprinkles of nuts and strawberries) gelato in front of the other kids while they are busy studying for exams. Something like that.

Of course, I had to deal with my own perceptions of what others think of me-lazy bums etc…

The so-called judgements I created. And the guilty looks I perceived.

Of course,It’s all in my head.

As for my team mates, they were all amazingly supportive of me not doing much-“Just being pretty”.

Although I did not do justice to the word-“pretty” with the mud, messy hairdo and camp-mode attire, probable smell and such…

I learnt lots about my feminine self in which I have neglected for so long.

And this was something new I learnt in which I decided to uphold it in my everyday life…

Now, my sons knew what to do when it’s that time of the month again…

Yes! We party!

Leave those dirty dishes and laundry behind…

And of course looking pretty in every part of the way…

Thank you to all involved.

I’m still unfolding the miracles and lessons learnt in the warrior camps as I travel…

So please…
my dear sisters, goddess, warriors, princesses etc

Take time off and celebrate your moon-time.

You deserve this.
We deserve this.
Because we are amazing!!!!

Love begins with ourselves.
Yes or YES?!?

And men, yes ….please hold the fort for us.

Thank you for being understanding and definitely awesome.

More info, fun and laughter:

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