Soul Contracts and releasing them

If you are still single….

And wondering why you are still single when there are many abundant delicious conscious awakened single men and women around?

This might be the solution….

I was having a conversation with a likeminded spiritual friend who is also a healer…

He points out to me that… I might have a soul contract to complete.

It caught me off guard…

Because-I said that I love being a couple, having a life companion and all that but most times I love being on my own, alone.

And he points out that I’ve been “singular” longer than any of his “female friends who were divorced”…

I agreed. It’s been ages. 7-9 years (officially and unofficially)

And after checking in with his “inner guide”…he said-Perhaps it’s time you release your soul contract…

‪What are Soul Contracts? Understanding soul contracts …‬

and if you want to release them, this is one way…

I’m still experimenting with my life and it’s gonna be a never ending one…

Meanwhile, I thank all the souls I’ve encountered with or without my awareness in the past, present and probable future… in which we were just fulfilling our “Contracts”…

Thank you.

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