Day 48 – Live your dreams. Complete your bucket list now.

Day 48- the art of being authentic, conscious and abundant woman series continues…. 
what I feel like saying…
When is the best time to fulfil your dreams? 
This is always the best answer. 
People often asked me what I do. They wonder why I can travel so much. And no matter what answers I have them, it was never enough… Because they cannot believe its possible. 
Reasons why I can do what I do is because… 
I don’t wait… To fulfil my dreams and goals. 
I don’t wait for retirement to do what I want. 
I don’t want for anyone’s permission to do what I love.
I don’t wait for anyone to accompany me in any of them.
I don’t wait for my kids to grow up. 
I don’t wait for my pockets to grow bigger with wealth. 
I don’t wait for the right time because there is no such thing. 
Anytime can be a right time. 
I don’t wait to be free from responsibilities. 
I don’t wait for anything or anyone. 
how do I know how long will I be alive on this beautiful earth?
How do I know by the time I wait, will I still be healthy to do what I want? 
I remembered my mom’s story about her haj experience. She did them just  years back. She kept saying, – we should have done this much earlier, when we were younger (we did umra a few times when we were younger but haj was a different experience altogether) . 
I totally agree. 
I did my “must do once in a lifetime pilgrimage for those who can afford” in my thirties. That one month experience was amazing but can also be exhausting. 
Surrounding me were elders. And some were not as healthy and need wheelchairs. I totally applaud their strength and determination. It really took a toll on my body, heart, mind and even spirit. 
Some parts of the journey totally make me breathless. Did also make me uncomfortable and imbalanced (fever and sore throat) because of the extreme heat and dryness, not forgetting large masses, millions or probably billions from the many countries of the world. 
OK, so haj in some countries like mine has some number quota. We have to follow the number queue given to us, can be in waiting list for 5-10 years (but the last queue number recently given to me for second haj is 40 years later, I might be 80 yikes!?!). For that, no choice, we have to wait (or explore going thru another country) .
But for other dreams, you don’t have to wait. You can make smaller pilgrimage. You can do smaller goals. You can visit neighbouring countries. 
Go, climb that mountain (my mentor still climbs mountain Kilimanjaro in his 60s. Respect!) 
Go bungy jumping. 
Go ride that ferrari or luxury cars (in Singapore, 20 mins may cost $250 or more)
Go travel to exotic country (I heard my step dad talked about Fiji and I drool. Not because of food, he seldom mentioned about food but hunger for his beautiful experiences) 
Go take that new hobby. Learn new dance, martial art or just things you are afraid or have no time for. 
Go for roadtrips! (even if a stranger ask me to go on roadtrips, I say yes immediately – of course, I check with my gut and heart first, if it’s safe) 
Go, go, go! 
Time will continuously move forward. 
Whatever you have on your bucket list, do it now. 
For me, they were mostly list of countries I wanted to visit. 
And for other stuff, normally if I want something, I go and do it ASAP. 
I mean, we never know how long we are gonna stay on this beautiful earth, right? 
And I never believed about another person fulfilling our dreams. 
I don’t ever want to burden my kids to fulfil my bucket list (unless they felt intrigued and wanted the list as their own). 
So what’s in your bucket list?
Do you even have one? If not, write them down, now. 
When else do you want to do it? 
Time waits for no man or woman. 
Main thing for me, being vibrantly healthy to do whatever I want so I can enjoy every second of it being fulfilled with my senses. 
Aah, such  joys of being human. 
Have fun?, Creating new adventures! 
Do check out my previous everyday postings on women empowerment đź™‚ 
Creating tribes of authentic, conscious
abundant women around the world.
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