Day 2 – She deserves to be loved unconditionally

Day 2 – the art of being authentic, conscious and abundant woman series continues….

And If you prefer  freshness, my everyday posting, check out my fb page.

what I feel like saying…

There was a time when I dislike the woman in the mirror. Perhaps not once but many times. 
The failures, the past, the unhappy times, the chaotic moments and many more. But these are not what I am. Its what I create. The woman I’ve created…
But if I don’t love the woman that I am, then who will? If I don’t stand up for myself, then who will? If I don’t dry my own tears and cheer myself up, then who will? I don’t have the time to wait for something, someone or the right situation. I only have the ability to create those, now.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw the wounds, scars, the tears, the joys, the miracles, the angst, the emotions, the work in progress, the girl who does her best regardless of what others judge her to be, the child, the girl, the daughter, the sister, the friend, the wife, the mother, the colleague, the life companion, the believer, the doer, the thinker, the joyous spirit, the laughter and the crazy things she did and more to come…
The imperfect me, the one who has run, fall and get up many many times. The one who is not afraid to travel anywhere to feed her curiosity and at the same time, can be fearful of little pests like cockroaches.

I gathered all the experiences 
she has gone thru and look
at her thru the eyes of love. 
I love her. I’m proud of her. 
She is me.
Be the authentic woman 
you were meant to be. 
Start loving all parts of you
-the messy, 
the wild,
the imperfect…

The work in progress
Be You.

Have an amazing day! 

And If you prefer  freshness, my everyday posting, check out my fb page.

Creating tribes of authentic, conscious, abundant women around the world.
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