… authentic, conscious abundant woman.
These are the basics I felt needed for anyone starting out on a journey of self-empowering woman.
Check out my every day “what i feel like saying” : Women Empowerment Series : Everyday, Be the authentic, conscious and abundant women that we already are (the art of being).
And If you prefer freshness, my everyday posting, check out my fb page.
Today, what I felt like saying…
Beginning is often the hardest part, because the first step is into the unknown. And the first step is be aware of our current surroundings. And the above poster is very empowering to me. It’s like telling others, to give me space and honor me as I am as I get into this cocoon, just like a butterfly’s metamorphosis. And its a commitment I give to myself.
Day 1- The art of becoming authentic, conscious, abundant women is to…
1. Learn to stand up for yourself and what beliefs you held close to you. Be your own BFF. Support, motivate, empower, cheer, defend, voice out, be seen with what and who matters to you.
2 … Be comfy walking alone. You may be alone walking on your own path of beliefs now. It’s OK. Whatever you need, be that. You will attract your tribe by being.
3. Know your healthy boundaries. Learn to say no.
4….attract what we desire. We attract what we are. So be aware of the energy that we emit by looking at the people around us. Stay away from toxic people (how to know who are toxic? You felt drained after hanging out with them).
5… See thru eyes of love. Everything we do, daily, ask-am I seeing/doing/reacting, thru love or out of fear? Make sure it’s love.
6. Everyday, choose happyness.
If you prefer an everyday posting, check out my fb page.
Dear beautiful women of the world, we are powerful when we be ourselves, and not being versions of ourselves “approved” by the world.
Do whatever it takes to be the authentic YOU.
I Love You.
Lina Masrina.
This series is a part of my everyday initiative to empower myself to get up, rise, shine and be the authentic, conscious, abundant woman that I already am. And I’m sharing snippets of my everyday with this beautiful world. Not easy but I’m gonna do my best.
Check out my every day “what i feel like saying” : Women Empowerment Series : Everyday, Be the authentic, conscious and abundant women that we already are (the art of being).
And If you prefer freshness, my everyday posting, check out my fb page.
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