Crashing Warriors’ homes in Bali, Indonesia 2017

Our eyes met in National Achievers Congress…in Singapore. I had known his sister who crew with me in numerous times in Singapore. They both flew all the way from Bali, Indonesia to serve and volunteer.

He was one of very few who connect with my heart first before we talk. A spiritual being who spreads love and healing everywhere he go. A healer, successful entrepreneur who is often smiling no matter what life brings. And his beautiful wife and kids have that same attitude of life.

He is Renato.

I love Asian warriors. They are always very hospitable and accommodating. Not caring about themselves but willing to sacrifice everything for the guests.

I had never been to Bali even though it was nearby. I don’t really fancy going to a place crowded with tourists (that’s what I thought) and I fear I will get disappointed cos it might just be too overrated.

After my warrior camp in 2016, I felt like my kundalini was awaken and all gifts that were hidden came bursting out in the open that turned my life upside down and downside up. I went to Bali to seek answers. And I got more than I bargained for. It took me a year to really decipher my experiences. And the “future” crazy visions that I had, finally began to make sense in warrior camp 2018.

Life became uncoded. Nothing makes sense and I had no answers but this Indonesian Warrior understood and invited me.

I did not blame anyone, it was more than woo-woo even for me. But when I get to Bali, he got me a few locals who can resonate and sync well with my experiences that I felt so normal.

I also get to know a high priest in training. He was a great help. He taught me lots about spirituality honoring what I already knew and imprinting them within me.

He even took my quest for soulmate love seriously. He match-make me with a Singaporean Millionaire 3 days later. Although that match was more of friendly acquaintance thingy, I’m truly grateful. And watching the locals doing their prayers and celebrating everything and honoring anything, I learn to stay grounded, present and be focus on energy of the world, myself and my loved ones.

I also get to learn an energy healing technique called Aji Tapak Sesontengan and able to do it immediately in a public healing sessions they held every week. So through Renato, I gain a big family of spiritual and loving beings.

As I practise my healing techniques on the locals (even leaders like mayor came to visit us), I also did a short stint as an english teacher to the local kids in Ubud and they in return took me sightseeing.

And from that, I did not know that whatever I learn will be important for me to support me in the next dark night of soul and my Twin Flame processes. But it did. Like a cold turkey, from addiction of love…for many decades… these people are the only ones who sees me as sane when I felt I was insane.

And everyday, his beautiful wife cooked us sumptious meals from the heart. A gifted cook and baker who has her own cafe.

I’m truly grateful.

A beautiful loving family… I felt so belonged more than with my own relatives that I overstayed my invitation. lol. 

God bless you and your loved ones, Renato.
Thank you.

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