Crashing Warrior Homes in Germany part 3- The race is on…

The third home belongs to a soul buddy I just knew…
Its weird that we can connect so well without having to talk much.

Sometimes, soulmates do not have to be romantically link. They can also be loving like siblings.

He is a very successful man who constantly humbles himself to learn with other Masters. His compassion for others spur that light within to help as many as he can with his gifts. A good husband, father, man, brother, son who is constantly on an adventure to improve himself and the lives of his loved ones.

this time, I’m ready to cook. I had prepared some spices from Asia…

So from home no.2…Harriett and Peter took time off to send me gracefully to Dirk’s home. Before they leave, we had an enchanting breakfast together like enlightened warriors do.

After that, they wanted to test my driving skills… i told them, I had given up driving because I’m much comfortable being “driven”like a Princess… and whenever my warrior friends from Malaysia visited me and asked for directions-I always tell them to go straight (cos Singapore is an island, so no matter what, you will eventually reach your

But this competitive warrior family (hubby and beautiful wife are warriors and soon their kids too) are adamant…. and so I went for it, even though deep down, my heart was pouncing hard and fast.

The first go kart race was outdoor, and I was glad when it rained…but then, they decided to go to an indoor one. yikes!

I wished my sons were with him. I bet they would have enjoyed this better than me.

Anyway, when the race started… I was the tortoise….there rest were the hare. But at the end of it, there was no change. lol.

I was driving as if I was going for sightseeing… I was often the road hog…that they bumped me! lol.

But I’m glad I tried because in Singapore (later, I found out that the speeding limit was much slower than the ones in Germany…poor sons of mine)


the sons beat the parents and we all went home feeling like celebrated winners (me especially).

Their parents are a beautiful couple so their kids are gorgeous-looking…

 The youngest has a flair for baking. Like those genius kids on Masterchef reality series, I personally tasted his delicious cake, it was OMG delicious!

 Ta-da! I cooked my version of home-cooked turkey curry and the rest is done by them…

After dinner and dessert, it was time for a campfire… 
I had such a beautiful day. Truly grateful.


As I get to more and more homes, goodbyes became unbearable…

The words I felt and expressed are just the “surface”, the true meaning of it all can never be truly conveyed. Only the souls understood this beautiful unexpected meeting and being.

This family grow together in personal development and it all begins with the parents finding their own way in search of their truth.

I see myself in this family more than the others because of the similarities of having two beautiful sons.

This family have the strength of their Mother beautifully and gently lead in her own feminine way and yet allow the masculine energy of the Father to beautifully coexist and be the leader as well under one roof. Instead of egos, it is LOVE that unites them and transform any challenges into solutions.

I watched and observed the “Yin and Yang” of a beautiful family unfold right before my very eyes. How opposites can work together for the highest good of all.

Me being a single Mom doing my best to find the balance in being a good Mother and Father was not easy and so I saw some answers in the questions that I seek, in them.

Thank you…🙏🏻
Warrior Climbing Ibex (Dirk Ludwig) and “Sunny” Warrior (Irene Ludwig ), David and Nick… (the youngest MMI crew I love and knew)
It’s an honour to be a “visitor” in your everyday life…

No words can ever describe whatever I’m truly feeling with me being with y’all. Thank you for being you. Thank you 🙏🏻.
As tears flowed….

My feet whispers to me that this is the end of my Germany trip, for now…

Although my heart do not want to leave this awesome country, I know it’s time…

It’s time for a new country.

My 42nd country… (I went to Portugal as my 41st but did not blog about it, not yet)

So where will I go next?
Crashing #warriorangel homes series continues…
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