Animal Healing

“I call my horses ‘divine mirrors’—they reflect back the emotions you put in. If you put in love and respect and kindness and curiosity, the horse will return that.”
–Allan Hamilton

“It becomes very obvious, by reading a dog, how stable or unstable his human companion is. Our dogs are our mirrors.”
-Cesar Millan.

Pets, animals who are our constant companions are great healers. For me simply said- they give love and absorb the owners’ pain/imbalance/dis-eases etc

There is always an energy exchange between animals and owners. And most times, animals can heal themselves (just like us).

More info:

But sometimes, it gets overwhelming for them and they got energy imbalanced and became unwell.

That’s the cue for them to go for healing.

Current promotion:
I admit that in my travels, and in my home area in Singapore (a bustling metropolitan city), I seldom hang out with animals and their owners.

In fact, from a child who loves animals, I became “awkward” with them. And in the spirit of giving (paying it forward for humans and animals), I decided to welcome more animal lovers into my healing sacred space and services.

Because lately, on this festive season, more animal owners came forward asking for healing for their animals.

And in that spirit of connections, I open this 1 hour complimentary distance healing (worth sg$200) for international animals.

“Dogs do know how comfortable you are with yourself, how happy you are, how fearful you are, and what is missing inside of you.”
-Cesar Milan

We are all connected. We are made of energy.

Just like humans, animals can be imbalanced too.

As mentioned in my many blog posts, being a healer, I’m just removing the imbalances/blocks/barriers to your own healing.

The true healer is the human clients or animal clients.

I have dealt with cats, dogs and horses. And all have positive recoveries.

For more info:
you can email me with your animals’ name, date of birth, their issues to be healed and level of intensity of their issues( 1-10, 10 being the most intense pain) and lastly, since when this issue occurred (what age?).

Sent it to:

A week after the 1 hour healing, a report will be sent.

Simple, right?

More information on my services of healing with love:

As we heal ourselves and our animals (including our surroundings), we can better shine more vibrantly as beings of love in our every day “mission”.

Thank you.

Be Love.

Expect Miracles,
Lina Masrina.

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