September 2015


Disclaimers:   Before any session begins, a client has to read this thoroughly and fully. Understand it with heart before agreeing… (this is just a snapshot, the real form may have more info. double click on image to read it).     Because healing begins with a commitment to yourself.  Energy healing is not a […]

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Singaporean Wedding Crasher landed in Southern India: Thank you நன்றி

  CHENNAI-SALEM-OOTY-COIMBATORE-TRIVANDRUM-NAGACOIL-THUCKLAY-BANGALORE (I was supposed to go to Kerala and Chennai only and ended up covering more cities, towns and villages. Love it!)   This spontaneous trip was unplanned. I planned it just within weeks but it did not go as planned. I make and shift my plans as I go along. Weddings invited, I

Singaporean Wedding Crasher landed in Southern India: Thank you நன்றி Read More »