As my “singular-hood” journey is ending, I shall open my doors to welcome my soul tribe to work, co-create and partner with me in this soul business of love. Let’s empower the world with the power of love.

Calling out to all wild women and conscious men of this Universe in this lifetime… my international soul family, and tribe…
If you feel “called” (heart strings tugged) to join me, do email me with subject: I AM your soul tribe to linamasrina@gmail.com (preferably you have read my blog: www.linamasrina.com and feel that we are right on the same path).
A new path, a new journey and adventures await…
What I need: a dedicated committed team of loving souls who can see my vision sync with theirs as one, individuals who welcome spontaneous miracles and growth in life, who has abundant, successful and positive mindsets. And of course having joyous fun in the process. Peeps who are comfy being different, being themselves. And who are already making a difference in their daily lives. (important: got to have the time, it’s like caring for a newborn. For Busy talented individuals-I thank you for wanting to be a part of this and send loving blessings your way.)
Before you write to me, read through once and feel in your heart: is it the right thing for you? ( truth feels joy or neutral but never fear)
1. Business mentor (who already has his/her own multimillion/billion $$$ businesses and successfully mentored others to do the same 😉
2. Business partner
3. Book editor or and publisher
4. Travel/Tour Manager and many more creative posts…
Treat this as a startup and let’s build it up together (co-parent) …
Email me your Creative self reasons and gifts in working with me ( tell me why we belong together in this path of love) visions, suggestions whatever feels right…

I work well with like-minded energies and so, write what feels right and true for you from the heart and soul.
If we are not meant to work together, I believe the Universe will pair us all with the right peeps.Don’t be disheartened.
My company’s name: infinite love global in Singapore ( preferably Singaporeans but international peeps are welcome for online ideas/projects etc).
Manifest success by healing illusions of love is our main theme.
Let’s do this!
i love you.
And so it is done.
Dear Universe, I have done my part, the rest is up to you. Let this be for the highest good of all concerned.
p.s: From June 2019 onward, I will focus only on this. Will no longer collaborate on other stuffs. Thank you for understanding. The Universe will bless those who follow their true path.