Men are from Mars and Women from Venus?

Men and women are truly different…

“When a man can listen to a woman’s feelings without getting angry and frustrated, he gives her a wonderful gift.

He makes it safe for her to express herself.

The more she is able to express herself, the more she feels heard and understood, and the more she is able to give a man the loving trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement that he needs.”

-John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus book.

I don’t like it when I open myself up to be vulnerable (not easy to release these many layers and trust someone) and that person make fun of my thoughts and chunk them up and try to label me into some kind of deficit and do his best to “medicate” me with his high profile understanding of what or who I should be (the trouble with having many coaches as friends)… with what he has learnt from some successful people of the world… when all I wanted was just a pair of listening ears.

Because once those funky thoughts were dispersed out of my system, they have their own way of cleansing the being and making space… eventually the being can find its way home…purging doubts and attracting clarity on its own…

That’s why women sometimes don’t need solutions but just need a man-friend-a hunk’s shoulders to rest upon and macho ears to listen… that’s enough and therapeutic.

I have many male good friends and even though they understood this part of me they cannot stop their innate “solutions provider” to troubleshoot whatever challenges I shared.

I understood more as I read again the book: Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus…

To remind myself again that we are both very different…

And to be open to that many differences we have and shower them with Love.

Me and my male friends then came to a peaceful resolution and conclusion…

To ask before assuming…

And me-to clarify before sharing my thoughts…

They will ask-Do you want me to listen as a friend or a coach? Do I need to Bill you for it? (Just kidding) 🤔🤣

Me-I want you to listen as a friend and at the moment I’m not ready to receive feedbacks or even solutions. Just listen with Love. Thank you 🙏🏻

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