If you are 50 and not contemplating these questions…

You wouldn’t want death to knock on your door, and not be prepared…

In certain moments of my midlife roller coaster journey, there was a time, I was super drained and the world suddenly became 50 shades of grey in bleakiness. No energy to sugar coat any info I received be it spontaneously or otherwise…

Media especially news was like huge colossal dark nights of souls, broken beyond repair.

And so, these questions kept emerging in my conscious mind.

In Islam our Prophet Muhammad saw/pbuh lived up to 63. And as his ummah, we are expected to live till that age and the more years received beyond that, are just bonus. My late mom lived to that age.

And so me, reaching the big 50 wondered if ever I’ve done what I came here to do. I believed before we were born, as spirits we have promised our Creator many things in which we may forgot.

And I hope, I did at least one thing, God has created me to do, to serve Him. It was no more a fear facing death alone or dying alone or having no one by my side at my departure or even during my burial but mainly, the fear that I have to answer for my “crimes” on earth and the stuff i was supposed to do to help make myself and the world a better being and place.

The fear that I have nothing to show up for, in my whole life existence on earth. No legacy to share nor gifts of any kind to leave the world with. To face the Almighty, in shame…that I had not tried my bestest.

Anyway, sometimes I ponder why some peeps lived till 100 while some were taken as young as babies.

My feels were, the Creator is ultimately LOVE. He took us with love at young age to allow us to enter Paradise with not much or no sins. And for longevity given is to give us ample chances and opportunities to learn and repent for the mistakes done. All with LOVE.

(I wondered why some criminals like killers, abusers, tyrant leaders and politicians who mass killed/massacred humans lived long… I believed is to give each a chance to change n repent to be better before facing the Creator in the hereafter.)

Anyway, don’t wait till you are 50. Think about it now. We never knew when is our expiration date…

Watch the YouTube vids (mentioned above) I’ve made with love over and over again…. And dig deep. No use living longer if u never bothered to ask yourself the meaning of your existence.

Have fun discovering the answers. They may surprised you 🙂

BTW u may wonder y, the vids r in Arabic? Recently I’ve ventured middle east n made some friends along the way. And as a coach n empath, I don’t truly like small talk unless it’s of substance (quality), so they had to humour me… N I hope they continue asking others the same questions so we don’t end up sleeping thru out our lives…. (actually main reason was, I took Arabic (MSA) for years, a long time ago, but I cannot speak to locals properly, not even a full sentence. In shame, I decided to relearn to speak Arabic, Saudi dialect with native teacher in italki app.

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