Have an amazing 2017 manifesting your wildest dreams and loves!

I have decided.

For 2017…

How about last year…


2016 was totally unbelievably amazing. Totally unexpected.

I wanted to travel only to Spain for the2  Enlightened Warrior camps (T.Harv Eker and Success Resources) but instead the Divine has a more interesting itinerary and plans for me. 

So before I knew it, I traveled a total of 13 countries, in which 5 of them were NEW!!! Woohoo!!!

Let me see what countries did I go to:
Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium,  Austria, Poland, UK, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia…

And I get to bring my kids to some of them as well and my parents…. 

New clients came in, new speaking engagements and a total new group of “audience” came to me-Kids, parents and teens. I learnt new things and I get to practise a new healing method.

Met new Gurus (mentors and teachers of the world) and most of them are amazingly beautifully and inspiring. Met my soulmates and soul families around the world. And yes, met my twin flame as well (That itself is a story book by itself)

And I got my ho’oponopono practitioner certifcation and that itself is a miracle to tie everything that I have learnt this year. 

So what can I wish for now that my dreams came true every year?

I just continue doing whatever makes me happy…

If I can manifest my every dream, so can you.

We are no different you and I.
And if you are here reading this, that means, you are definitely on an amazing journey of success and growth.

Just believe.

And be aware and grateful of your daily miracles now. (And say-Thank you, MORE Please)

You have the right to be happy.NOW.
So be…

I love you.
Have fun, everyday.


This is one of my favorite websites and you tube channel.
Hope it gives you that extra delicious surge of energy and bliss that you need for this amazing great year….

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