Gratitude for Enlightened Warrior Training Camp 1 and 2 Spain…

Note: Long-winded gratitude…
Need to be expressed.
Enlightened Warrior Training Camps (created by T.Harv Eker/ managed by Success Resources)
I’ve traveled and gone through many amazing programs around the world and…

This is one of my favorite programs in the world…

I had major, major series of transformations… (sometimes it’s extreme pleasure and sometimes excruciatingly painful but I know it’s for the highest good of all concerned).

Ultimate highs and lows and definitely ultimate makeover which lead to many unfoldment of truths in my life…

2016-2017 was one of the most challenging period of transition…
Illusions of love created came crashing down.
Although trembling with fear…and my own awkwardness felt… with mind freaks dancing in my head…
I knew that I had to come back to face people of my past, forgive, heal and make peace with them.

For both warrior camps, I was stationed in a particular rotation. 

Unexpectedly, I was in predicament for two weeks. 
And it was challenging… but the Universe knew what I need and provided everything to support me.

Conscious awaken Masters who became my brothers… teaching me the beauty of masculine and feminine in Union and keeping the flow of harmony between for the highest good of all…

“Boys have to learn the way of manhood from men…”

I learnt lots on how I can guide my sons to be like them and gather as much help from role models like them…
….now I know what it meant by “it takes a village to raise a child”…
and M.Aaron taught me that a daughter need thousands of fathers…and that boys need men in their lives… (I no longer need to “play-pretend” that I got to be so strong like a man and have “imaginary balls” to compensate the lack of the presence of a conscious father or men in their lives). It’s a huge relief😅

And I got two wonderful sons 😍🙏🏻… in transition to warrior and manhood…

Truly grateful 🙏🏻.

LOVE is one.

P.s: Also mucho gracias to…
I watched Yolanda efficiently support the predicament team in 2016 and got Inspired.

Thank you Barrie for your great intuitive decisions as a leader and placing me in Predicament. (Although I knew some Masters, I had deep seated issues with men that need to be unravelled and healed) The Universe has given me what I truly need and that was very powerful to have the men surrounding me for two weeks.

This camp 1, Christiane (strong crewmate) refreshed my memory by guiding me and teaching me lots so I can lead in camp2, I also had Shanon -awesome crew mate who was ready to jump in anytime and have my back..

and then in second camp, I got a group of badass karma crew playing full-on to support me in serving the predicament team and participants, never giving up, but always on “motivated mode” (beautiful Christine, loving Quim, committed Mervin and enduring May Kim)…

Of course with guidance from GM Michael and his wisdom alongside M.Jeff (parenting tips) and other Masters like AC (shoulder to cry), Kevin (Reiki on knees), Bala (loving unconditionally), Sha Ran (humour in any state), cool grandpa Duncan , Shane (a good Friend thru out the years) and M.Aaron reminding the powerful goddess that I am, constantly.
So I’m truly grateful for these amazing awesome peeps😍🙏🏻!
Gratitude for all-past, present and…

I would like to thank all because without these dedicated passionate enlightened warriors of the world who believe in paying it forward… rippling love and light wherever they go.. 
i won’t know how to work as a team, have learnt/unlearn more about myself…the world and life, supporting with much enthusiasm and heart in whatever state I am in, and be present to what the Universe helps me uncover and unfold including seeing miracles in life no matter how big or small…and created bonds of relationships with likeminded soulmates like yáll…  with gratitude as an attitude. 
and especially these amazing beautiful warrior angels (including Teachers,Masters and Goddesses) of camp 2016 who came back in camp 2018….
Christiane, Quim, Denise, Langford, Mark, Sabine, Jessica, Barrie, Shannon, Mervin, M.Shane, M.AC, M.Bala, GM Michael, M.Jeff and beautiful wifey Yolanda, Nacho, Thomasz, John, Sacha and peaceful Hanna, our Zen-like Thaddeus, grounded warrior goddess leader Marjean and many more dedicated loving angels…
Thank you for accepting me for what I am… and not giving up on me.
Thank you for showering me with endless powerful love (for no reasons).
Sometimes, i think I’m alone, weird and bizarre but knowing you guys, I felt it’s ok to be crazy, weird and bizarre…and still be loved…
so I’m never truly alone… *the illusion crumbles
Thank you for your unconditional love.
God bless you and your loved ones…for everything.
Do share your gifts…
The world need you.
I need you.
I love you.
Thank you.🙏🏻

**This shall be my last warrior crew stint (if I ever crew again for warrior, it would be for my kids’ participation. Looking forward to their own path unfoldment, and “kicking their asses with Love” whenever opportunities arises. 🤣)
So I welcome likeminded enlightened warriors into my life now…
And so it is done.
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