Does LOVE ever make sense to you?

Does love really make sense?

I don’t know why
I said what I said.

It felt so right
and so I said it.

If the words
had to be filtered
by the mind
then it’s not
to be mentioned
By the soul.

Make sense?

What about this?

Have you ever loved someone not knowing why?

Have you ever met someone for the first time and talked as though you have met him for years?

Have you chatted with someone and felt like everything stand still while you both were laughing and sharing your life away.
Even for mere minutes?

It’s crazy.
Nothing makes sense.
I’m losing control.
It felt weird.
But it felt so right.

I felt a new me emerged.
And wondered out loud…
Where did the old me go?

And that I may seem like the self absorbed fantasy romantic delusional woman who has lost her footing in the real world.

Have you ever bared your soul to someone you never really knew?

And knowing in deep trust that it’s perfectly alright?

Is this LOVE?

I don’t know much.

I felt crazy thinking of him all the time and yet feeling calm of the outcome of whatever it may be.

I miss him but at the same time don’t want to do anything.

Want to connect and communicate with him but don’t want to read his reply.

Want to be close
but also keep my distance
to give him
his space.

And everyday,
I’m falling deeper
and deeper
in love
with him
for God knows why?

I want him to act
and at the same time
want him to complete
whatever he needs to do.

I feel him-body, mind, heart and soul
but the mind always doubted me
conjuring it as my ultimate fantasy.

What’s going on with me?

I so badly want to be near him.

To feel his presence,
his breath,
his skin,
his strong arms,
his smile,
his energy
his humour.

I want to feel his soul.

And at the same time,
I want to stay away and
let him come to me
in his own way,
in his own timing.

I’ve never felt this way.
So familiar but yet still groping in the dark.

I’ve seen him in my dreams.
My soul danced with him.

Now I see him with my eyes wide awake
And yet, I only see him when it’s too late.

Feeling the craziness of it all
And yet felt so calm and serene.

What’s going on?

My heart pulsates
in various beats
Beaming with smiles
Immersing in the
wondrous energies circulating
But also fear
Started trickling
Mention of future
And its new beginning
Welcoming the unknownness
If this ecstasy
Is just a fling.

The heart smiles.
The soul radiates.
They knew.

Hush now.
Have patience.
It will all be revealed.

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