Emotion code book

I’ve read the revised edition of the emotion code book recently. Felt very blessed and happy that two of my favorite teachers in 1 book- Tony Robbins and Dr. Bradley Nelson.

Fascinating to read that Tony Robbins invited Dr. Brad to his home to learn more about emotion and body code.

Dr. Brad wanted everyone in the world to heal themselves that’s why this technique is taught clearly in the book. I’ve learnt many healing modalities around the world and this is one of the simplest with effects of healing felt immediately. Even my kids got it the first time. More info- Discoverhealing.com

I’ve learnt that as a sensitive intuitive empath, emotion code played a major role to free me from the trapped emotions including heart Wall and blocks to success and great health and love. And I’ve never felt younger, lighter and liberated.

I’m glad I’m a certified emotion code practitioner. If you feel heavy, faced with many challenging events in life, joy love and abundance seems to repel from your life or anyone from your life needs a helping hand with dis-ease, stress, emotional baggage, mental issues and many more… Grab this book and learn this simple healing method on your own.

No more popping pills to “cure” the recurring symptoms but to get to the root of its problems and heal it for good.

Trapped emotions can lay buried within your body for many years even generations. Yes you can inherit them without you knowing.

So let’s start healing our illusions and blocks to success.

Or you can connect with me (linamasrina@gmail.com rate is $175 for 30 mins on site (Singapore only for other countries, travel expenses will need to be included-check rates page for more info) or $50 for 30 mins distance healing for both people and animals)….

I am a certified emotion code practitioner….

or you can sought help and guidance from any certified emotion code practitioner around the world to help you out.

I travel the world facilitating the healing of hearts of “awakened leaders”. I hope. One day we each live with an open hearts.

I am not your healer. I don’t heal people. For me, I believe I’m just facilitating the healing between you and the Divine. You are your own healer.

And if you are keen to become a certified practitioner, click here. We welcome you into our healing nation.


About The Blogger: Lina Masrina is a soul blogger, intuitive heart coach and healing facilitator. Her passion is to work with people and reconnect them to their truth: being love -authentic, peace, harmony, abundance and joyous. She is a certified law of attraction coach, certified healing coach- Emotion code practitioner, Ho’oponopono practitioner and ATS bali healer (chieftain/kamituo). (But she is not a medium: who deal with spirits, entities and departed ones)

 In her free time, she travels spontaneously; “crashing” lovingly into locals’ homes, kitchens, road trips and even weddings. She is a foodie and has eaten some bizarre meats in the world like porcupine and horseshoe crab (as long it is Halal).

Her dream is to cover all 196 countries in this lifetime.

Her blog is about her everyday peeling her own masks, while exploring vulnerability and authenticity and uncovering miracles of love. She lives in Singapore. But she work both locally and internationally. Do contact her at linamasrina gmail .

 Disclaimer: All sessions with Lina Masrina (healing/coaching/consultations) is not counselling, mental health care or medical care and is not intended to take the place of such care. They simply attempt to make energetic shifts in your body that may help you to have a healthier, more abundant, joyous, peaceful, loving life but this is not a medically or scientifically proven process and therefore, no guarantees of results can be given. Use all the information given (on this website/sessions) at your own risk.

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