Awakened Heart Leaders

Eliza Yuliana

Unleash your  true inner voice, spirit and power.
Happy is the new healthy.

Wellness Coach

Before going through the program...

I just lost someone very dear to me, recently. And she took a big part of me when she left. While grieving, everything felt so impossible. After 7 months of being sad and grief, Lina coached and did some healing on me. Then grew a tiny light, an inner hope. I wanted to help  people but i don’t know how and where to start. That’s why I joined the program.

During the program...

I felt excited, and i can feel the great energy. The past no longer tormented me. I wanted to fly.  And being in the program with Lina is like a crazy moment of fantastic-ness. I felt the power of worthyness.  I used to be shy, shy of myself, that’s why i never do anything to change myself. Reasons why i never open myself for anything good to come to me. I understood why my fears just focus on my bad things and forget about the good things. Being in the Program, Lina made me realize that i can do many things and be competent in many ways.

After going through the program...

While many were down and unemployed during the covid months, many doors were opened for me. I got abundant offers. Many miracles happened that helped me solve my personal problems. Money came unexpectedly from many directions.  I keep all the mantras that were taught in the program- that universe got my back. Now, I feel more confident and ready to face anything. I felt as if Iwas given new wings. I wanted to shout and tell anyone who are in my shoes now- to wake up and make your dreams come true. Lina shows me the way and help me attract doors of  opportunities that i never ever dream before.

Her Passion...

I love to speak,coach and listen to others’ problems. Together, we can provide better solutions. Sharing is one of the methods of healing, many people never share their problems and are embarrassed with their current situations and conditions. I guide  people to release their issues and problems, the healthier way.

Her Business...

I’m a Wellness Coach. I help and guide people to unleash their inner voice. To be happier and healthier, embracing their inner power. Being heard is a powerful healer. 

I have also helped many elderly and their loved ones with an alternative healing methods and programs.

Contact Information:

Unleash your  true inner voice, spirit and power.
Happy is the new healthy.

Eliza Yuliana

Wellness Coach

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