Awakened Heart Leaders

Eliza Yuliana
Wellness Coach
Before going through the program...
I just lost someone very dear to me, recently. And she took a big part of me when she left. While grieving, everything felt so impossible. After 7 months of being sad and grief, Lina coached and did some healing on me. Then grew a tiny light, an inner hope. I wanted to help people but i don’t know how and where to start. That’s why I joined the program.
During the program...
After going through the program...
While many were down and unemployed during the covid months, many doors were opened for me. I got abundant offers. Many miracles happened that helped me solve my personal problems. Money came unexpectedly from many directions. I keep all the mantras that were taught in the program- that universe got my back. Now, I feel more confident and ready to face anything. I felt as if Iwas given new wings. I wanted to shout and tell anyone who are in my shoes now- to wake up and make your dreams come true. Lina shows me the way and help me attract doors of opportunities that i never ever dream before.
Her Passion...
Her Business...
I’m a Wellness Coach. I help and guide people to unleash their inner voice. To be happier and healthier, embracing their inner power. Being heard is a powerful healer.
I have also helped many elderly and their loved ones with an alternative healing methods and programs.
Contact Information:
Eliza Yuliana
Wellness Coach