Praises & Gratitudes

“Gratitude unlocks all that’s blocking us from really feeling truthful, really feeling authentic and vulnerable and happy.” – Gabrielle Bernstein

“When I first met Lina, I was weighed down by my issues in life. For quite some time, I have been feeling numbed and feeling like I wasn’t myself. I was drowning myself in work as a means to escape and it made me feel more worn out. I dismissed my inner nudges to care for self because I was feeling tired all the time. I missed the person I was, I missed being truly happy and carefree, I missed laughing my heart out and having a really good time.

During our meet up session, I cried a lot and that was a good release because I was finally feeling my burdens. I also came to learn that I am an empath. Things began to make sense to me and I started taking care of my wants and needs, as I have a tendency to sacrifice my comfort for the comfort/caring of others. I began to feel much lighter, to smile more and have more energy for myself.

My session with Lina was a very much needed kickstart to refresh myself and my life. I am armed with more knowledge and awareness to care for my own needs first and foremost. I also had a heartwall that was blocking my ability to receive and recognize abundance and opportunities. Now, I feel more thankful and grateful for the things I have, and I look forward to more in life.

I sleep better and I wake up feeling well rested. It’s these small things that I greatly and truly appreciate of having the awareness and consciousness of. Thank you Lina, for doing this with me.”



“I have the privilege to experience Lina’s healing process last month and the result of the healing and insight that I received have been very profound. Her healing process enable me to dig deeper into my childhood memories that are hindering my current experience in life. I am able to go back now to those memories feeling at peace with them and something has ‘clicked’ within. Now, I’m more certain what I need to do and what I want to bring into my life. I highly recommend using Lina’s healing processes and technique to better your life and heal from within.”

Dr. Jessica

United Kingdom

Lina travelled to my home and performed a release ceremony on myself that led me to recognize the burden of unwanted I am carrying from my mother. Lina’s calm and controlling abilities were necessary to guide my experience, and she offers a respectful and quiet presence to assist in the space of release. I was honoured to receive her gift of learned knowledge and expect to continue the path of development that is my own with further insights from spirit, both through Lina’s care and my desire to grow.



“After healing: It was an exciting experience for me-in the evening my right leg from my toes to my hip was very painful and in the beginning I wondered if I should take a pill —but then I decided “no Way” — the pain is leaving my body so be patient and the next Day ” i was correct –it was gone .THANK YOU LINA—

Being 80 years Old, everything takes a Little longer to work !!! –I remembered us at the YBurg–I walked backwards down the Hill !!! —today I walked down a hill frönt way and I laughed to myself doing it . Loving Greetings.”



“When I came to you, I had a back surgery scheduled, in order to remove a cyst that was compressing my spinal cord to a third of its normal size. I was in a lot of pain and didn’t have a big range of movement anymore. A few days after our healing session my back and my hips were ready to dance again and now almost two months after – no operation – no pain – only gratefulness and happy smiles when I’m riding my bike to school or dancing with my girls. 

Thank you for helping me remember my healing power within and the healing support around me. Thank you for believing in me so that I could remember and let go thoughts and feelings that didn’t serve me anymore.
You are a truly amazing gift to this world. Thank you for sharing yourself with me. Love you so much!”



“This realisation…this sudden awareness, I think has something to do with the healing that my Lina Masrina did on me when she came to visit not too long ago. I think the healing has cleared the path for my self-pity to finally find its way out and roam free. Because from that day onwards, as though in trance, I felt at ease and in peace with myself. I began to be AWARE. I began to think what I think and feel what I feel. The most recent heartbreak, though I have been carrying with me for the past 18 or so years, have disappeared into thin air. I could still remember but no longer do I feel the pain. I could finally FORGIVE myself and let go. Really, really let go.

Amazing, isn’t it? How a 30-minutes healing could make a 26 years of inner pain, suffering and self-pity dissolved into thin air and purify the soul? That, was indeed a purification for me.
Since then on, everyday my senses seem to be awake. Like I have just got out from a coma. To my amazement, most of the time things that I’ve been thinking would physically appear. For example if I’ve been thinking of a certain words of wisdom, in an instance I would be reading the same in a book. It all started only recently.”



“I could feel an immediate chance at the end of the healing session. I was standing up straighter, I was smiling more and for the first time ever, I felt like the load of weight on my shoulders that I had been carrying all this time was gone. Thanks for reminding that I didn’t need to carry all this burden, and for helping me to release it.  I would highly recommend a healing session with Lina to re-calibrate yourself, remind yourself that you’re solid gold as you are, and to release what you no longer need. Thanks so much Lina!”- 



Leg and back are much better have a hospital appointment for an ultrafast on the arm as x-ray showed nothing amiss..”


United Kingdom

I feel my body more relax and no more anxiety. My vision brighter and I feel my shoulders much lighter. I just feel great now like all negative thing been out from myself.”



“I had the chance getting to know Lina in the hills of Girona, spain in 2016. We both were supporting people’s breakthroughs by being part of the karma crew at T.Harv Ekers enlightened warrior training camp.

Lina is bringing an amazingly heart opening quality just by her presence already. The way she looked at me and asked me questions of her interest was as natural as a duck takes to water.

During the 5 day of training we bonded in heart and spiritual level enjoying each other company.

Lina is an amazing woman with a very big heart for all creatures of our beautiful planet.

I highly recommend getting in touch with her if anything you read here sync within you. Aho!”

Playful Dancing Dolphin Warrior


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