After almost a year and a half of grief, I was ready to start standing up again. Not knowing where to start, I ask the Universe to guide me. Few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. The rest is fast forward to today.
So what is podcasting? I have no freaking idea. I’ve heard of my American coaches doing it years back. I’ve listened to them but I chickened out halfway. I don’t have the patience to listen. I prefer reading (there are 3 types of learners-visual, audio and kinesthetic).
But nevertheless, I imagined they were in a home studio and being their own radio dj. Creating their own listening programs, interviewing special stars for their segments and many more.
For me, its a new beginning, a new path. Maybe podcast shall be an audio version of my blog. I don’t know. I’m just opening doors wherever I felt guided. I thought its gonna be something totally out of my comfort zone. So why not? (putting on warrior mode)
I’m gonna exercise my throat chakra. Releasing the blocks I’ve accumulated, hiding behind my “introvert” label, for many, many years.
Yes, I took the skills future credit of $500 (given by the govt. for Singaporeans age 25 and above, 40 and above has extra $500) and invested in this program. No need to pay extra money/cash. For me, I actually earn my first $10 !!!!! (I am a great receiver of abundance. Thank you!!)
If you are interested to learn more about podcast and how it can help you in your business (getting leads, being the leader in your business, get more publicity, getting your message of legacy be heard worldwide, or just wanna learn how to effectively attract more sales online etc..)
Click on my affiliate link
The program was only 1 day workshop thru zoom. 10am-5.30pm. I thought its gonna be difficult with all the technical terms of podcasting, but it was broken down into byte size, good for newbie like me to understand and remember.
I also learn about some important gems on how to be a successful entrepreneur. The beautiful Genecia Alluora, the founder of Soul Rich Woman (Former Miss Singapore) was also there to motivate us and inspire us. The workshop/course is conducted by Master Trainer Joanne Lee.
Overall, I felt satisfied to have a basic understanding on what podcast is really about.
Though I was soaked with much knowledge imparted and experiences shared by the participants, I felt happy to learn many new things.
Do check in often in my blog: for more updates on my podcast journey before, during and post launch….
a snippet of what’s coming….
I thought a lipstick can last a lifetime…..
If you are wondering…. what has lipstick got to do with podcast?
Do check in often in my blog: for more updates on my podcast journey before, during and post launch….
Hi, my name is Lina Masrina. I am a spontaneous explorer of life. An explorer of worlds within and with-out. My dream is to travel all 196+ countries of the world. Currently I’ve travelled 47.
This is my blog.
I’ve grown from a food blogger with million of fans worldwide, to a heart healer and women empowerer.
Now, I’m focusing on just exploring my many versions of me and do my best to be my authentic self and loving me in all my colorful seasons (regardless of whether the world may approve or not 🙂
And this blog of more than 10 years are just about me sharing my everyday. My intention is with hope and love that thru my experiences shared, you as the reader find solutions to your own happy journey.
Together, we become a huge universe of joyful beings rippling love…just by us, being ourselves.
It’s not easy being our truths, but who can we be, other than the unique weird selves we are blessed with?
I believe the world is better with all our weirdness combined.
And to do that is to first acknowledge, embrace and love ourselves in all the good, bad and awesomeness.
Everything I do is to heal the illusions we have all adopted thru out our lives. I recommend that we each heal ourselves by facing the skeletons we hid in our closets. But if you need the extra guidance, I may be able to help you. Connect with me : linamasrina at Gmail dot com (do check out my disclaimer page above)
Have fun living your life as I do with mine.
Lina Masrina.
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