Day 54-Have I done enough with my existence?

Day 54 – the art of being authentic, conscious and abundant woman series continues…. 
what I feel like saying…
Have u done enough with your existence? 
Sometimes, I got lost in my daily pondering. Wondering if I’ve done enough while I’m still alive. 
I do not wish to look back in regret on my deathbed, and wishing I’ve done more or put in more effort or do whatever it takes…. to accomplish things i was born to do. Or I was created for. 
I often ask the Universe if I’ve done enough with my existence. 
Not in terms of fame or wealth but enough… in helping mankind, in uniting humanity, in spreading love and joy daily, in empowering others thru my own lessons in life. 
In guiding my loved ones especially my kids, to choose their own joyous path, to be their authentic, conscious and abundant selves, to not be afraid of making mistakes and learn/unlearn from them and to experiment with life while making an everyday an adventurous experience. 
But mainly, being my own person. Doing my best to be my authentic self. And shine as the unique person that I am. 
Why do I ask? 
Because I want to know if I’m on the right path. 
We may have our planned destinations, goals, dreams and ambitions but I believe the Creator has a greater purpose in creating each and everyone of us. 
And I want to sync that path with the Creator. I want to be one with the purpose I was born with. 
And normally when one ask, the Universe will reply. One has to listen intently with heart to hear it. 
Dear God, have I done enough with my existence? 
What about you? 
P. S: I use all kinds of words to address the Creator.
Sometimes it can be the Universe, or the Almighty, the Divine Love, the higher power and many more…
I used to be judged by the words I used when I was a role model in the Muslim world. Now, I don’t truly care. 
To me, the sacred meaning and the intentions behind the words is what truly matters. 
Use whatever words you are comfy with. 
Creating tribes of authentic, conscious
abundant women around the world.
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