Journey of a newbie podcaster #4: What does success means to you?

What does success means to you? To me, success means being happy and fulfilled in life.

And what does being happy and fulfilled means?
Being able to spread my message, everyday through as many platforms as possible.

To know that I’m doing my part in uplifting the global consciousness and spreading love in my everyday.

Podcast is one of the best effective way.

I’m so excited!!! Counting days towards the launch of my podcast: The Warrior Goddess Show. (thank you Amazing people of Soul Rich Woman!!!)

And if you, like me, want to have your message shared or heard, you can too – through the Instant Podcast Leader programme.

We welcome both men and women. Because empowerment needs the balancing power and a beautiful partnership of both feminine and masculine.

In fact, you can check it out here:

When we raise our voices together, the words woman power becomes more than just a phrase, it becomes a movement!

Yes empowering others is what we are passionate about.

Helping others grow, and achieve, heal and feel fulfilled is our one, true calling…

… But cannot be achieved unless we get our voices heard.

If you want to learn how to do this, make sure you click on the link for more details!

Every Human matters.

Don’t forget its our birthright to be whole, happy and abundant.

Expect Miracles, everyday!


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